Every day we make choices, what
clothes we are going to wear, what cereal we are going to eat for breakfast. My
personal favorite is Cinnamon Toast Crunch by the way. We also have a
choice to make about how we see ourselves. Do we see ourselves through eyes
of failure? Always messing things up. Guilt and shame from things we have done
in the past. Are we going to spend our lives being the same old person?
Or even more frustrating... is it only going to get worse? Is that thing I
struggle with only going to be a bigger problem for me in the future? Maybe you’re
tired of being mean to people but you can't break the cycle.
Have you ever bought a car? Cars
that have been damaged badly and then repaired have what they call a
"salvage" title. It alerts potential buyers to be aware that this car
was so badly damaged, that it was destined for the scrap yard to be discarded.
But someone bought it back and fixed it. It will always have problems, it will
never be right. It has a "salvage" title.
Many Christians think that this is
their lot in life. They were damaged goods and Jesus came along and cleaned
them up. But, they will always be damaged goods. They will always have a
"salvage" title.
In Paul’s second letter to the
Corinthians, he explains to them that if they have come to Jesus, they are new
creations. That's right NEW CREATIONS! The old things are gone and
the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17). The old you is dead and Jesus has made
you a new creation. His payment was not just powerful enough to remove
sin and reconcile you to himself. But to make you brand new and fill you
with Himself. To take that wrecked car and makes it show room new
You can’t afford to see yourself any
other way than the way Jesus sees you!
He has made you to live from His
You are powerful
You say “no” when temptation comes
You are a whole person
You react to heaven, not your
You were God's original idea, God
doesn't have bad ideas
You are a prince/princess
Jesus trusts you
You are a son/daughter of God
You choose to live from His victory
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