Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Prince of Peace: Der Freidensfurst

Visiting my family in Canada this year has brought back so many great childhood memories.  From the Christmas baking to seeing old friends and family. Driving down streets I grew up riding my bike or skateboarding on. But the thing that has captured my attention the most is singing Der Friedensfurst (The Prince of Peace).  Its tradition to sing on Christmas morning in the church I grew up in Emmanuel Mennonite Church.  I have been reading through and translating the lyrics they really are amazing and encouraging.  So here they are... in German!!!

Der Friedensfürst
Horch, die Engelchöre singen,
Horch, die Engelchöre singen,
Dir, o mächt’ger Friedensfürst,
Du Heiland aller Welt.
Hört sie lieblich schallen,
Holde Freudenlieder,
Dir, o mächt’ger Friedensfürst,
Und ein Hosianna tönt auf Erden wieder,
Dir, o mächt’ger Friedensfürst.
Uns ist geboren heut’ ein Kind,
Uns ist geboren heut’ ein Sohn,
Und seine Herrlichkeit
Füllet die weite Welt,
Und er heisst, und er heisst
Wunderbar, Wunderbar,
Der mächt’ge Friedensfürst,
Wunderbar, Wunderbar,
Der mächt’ge Friedensfürst.
Drum besingt den Ruhm des Herrn,
Ihm gebührt der Lobgesang,
Dich erhebt das Herz so gern,
Friedensfürst voll Preis und Dank.
Ehre sei dem Herrn in der Höhe,
Ja, Ehre sei dem Herrn in der Höhe,
Und Friede auf der weiten Welt,
Gottes Friede auf der Welt.
Seid fröhlich alle Völker
Und singet Freudenlieder,
Bringt Ehre und Anbetung, Ihm,
Dem Friedensfürsten dar.
Singt Hosianna, singt Hosianna,
Hosianna bringt dem Gotteslamm,
Singt Hosianna, singt Hosianna,
Hosianna bringt dem Gotteslamm.
Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Forest Set A Blaze

We are so quick to under estimate what God wants to do with us.  We simply look at life through a natural means, what is possible through our own intellect and ability.  We can't afford to see ourselves different then God see's us.  He doesn't just see a spark in us, but an entire forest a blaze!   We feel like we are all alone, with no hope, no purpose, no reason to believe we will ever accomplish anything great or change history.  All the while God is holding us.  We feel like a sneeze could just blow us out.  That a sneeze would have enough moisture in it to snuff us out.  BUT GOD!!!  God is there, like a good daddy holding, protecting, ensuring that the smoldering spark (YOU) is catching fire and a forest is set a blaze through you!!! You can't afford to see yourself any different then God see's you!